Friday, July 27, 2012

Who says "Nothing in Life is Free"?

     In my apartment complex sometimes people will leave things out by the road that really aren't trash worthy.  Well....tonight I found a gem!!  There was a really nice chair that was in great shape, smelled really good and reclined perfectly like it was suppose to.  It seemed like a wonderful yard sale find that I would have purchased for a discounted rate, and for it to be just sitting on the side of the road...I had to have it!!  I have a outdoor screened area in my apartment and thought this would make the perfect chair out there.  Right now, it is way to hot to just sit outside during the daytime, but once Fall and Winter arrives, this is going to be such a wonderful escape to get some quiet time or sit outside and chat on the phone.  I love finding free things, especially when I don't have to do anything to them and they are a nice addition to some part of my home.  So I put this chair in the back of my SUV and headed back to the apartment.  When I pulled up I noticed that a woman upstairs was moving out and she asked me if I was moving out as well, I replied "No, I am just extremely frugal and found this while taking my trash out."  She stated that she had two chairs that were similar that she was going to donate to the Salvation Army and I could have them if I wanted.  So I went up and to check them out because there is no harm in just "looking", right?!  Well I loved them and had to have them!  I put one in my bedroom for a "Reading Area", it doesn't have a dent in the seat, I just sat on it before I took the photo so it has some dimples.  The other one I put outside with the other chair to complete my screened in "porch" area.  Boy, this is going to be nice when Fall comes to sit outside and relax looking at the pond view that I have!  I absolutely LOVE my free finds.  Although, no more chairs for me.  I am full up on chairs for my home.  Now I need to start finding wall decor.  Also, a note: Both the chairs below are actually the same color.  The one that is in my bedroom, looks to have more of a creamish tint to it, I believe this is because of the indoor lighting.  Both of the chairs are actually the color of the photo on the top.  This just has better lighting because it is outside natural light. 

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