Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Evolution is True, You Can See it Today's Youth.

     Yesterday, I stopped by my grandma's while her childhood friend Karen was visiting.  I went to assist with papa a bit so she wouldn't have to wait on him hand and foot; as she normally does.  Women, you know how men are...especially when they are sick, they want your constant attention.  I was there just to help her a little so he didn't bombard her while she got her once in a year visit with a friend.  It was great to walk into her home and see my grandma, my great-grandma and my grandma's childhood friend sitting at the dining room table cackling like chickens while "Looking for a city" was playing in the background.   Brought a smile to my face to have such young-at-heart grandparents and great grandparents.
  Later in the day, grandma and Karen were relaxing in the front living room reminiscing on memories past and it amazed me to hear how innocent they were as young girls.  Talking about "all night" church revivals was the place to be and how they would "make eye contact" with boys as their flirtation.  Absolutely adorable, yet strange to think of my grandma flirting with a boy and giving eye contact.  Although the conversation did switch to how "back in their day" getting married for life was a normal act.  When Karen made that statement, I replied with amusement..."Yeah, that is a Disney movie now!" Well, it's the truth! It is easily comparable to a Disney movie because these days the average American marriage now lasts eight years, yes eight years; according to the U.S. Census Bureau.   People don't want to fight for their marriage, we have all gotten use to the motto, "There's plenty of fish in the sea."  Another factor that came to mind when this topic was being discussed was; the mystery of what made marriage sacred isn't practiced anymore.  Majority of both men and women have had sexual relations before they get married, and more than half of this group have had numerous sexual partners before they are married.  I have known girls (plural) that weren't even legally allowed to buy a scratch off, yet their sexual partners were past fifty people!!  That was unheard of back in my grandma's and Karen's day!  Women and men, both, remained pure for their spouse and maybe that is correlated with the longevity of marriage...who knows.  Another factor that came to mind was women dressed so much classier back in those days.  This is a photo of my grandma when she was about my age with a normal, for her, dress.  No cleavage, the length is past her knees; not showing too much leg, just pure class.  I don't even need to post an average woman now-a-days.  All a person needs to do is go to Facebook and view random pages.  It is considered "sexy" now if you are wearing your boobs popped out for everyone's pleasure, your clothes as tight as they can possibly get...no matter what size you are, and shorts and skirts that are barely there.  Sometimes you can even see a person's butt cheeks!  This dress is now normal for teenagers, obese women and married women. 
     This isn't the only thing that was discussed that made me think about how our generations are evolving...Karen and I started talking about technological development since they were my age.  She mentioned that she had a very small television when they first came out and I presumed that they must have been pretty well off to have one at the time.  Grandma added that all the neighborhood kids would come over to Karen's house and they would huddle around that television to watch Flash Gordon and Captain Mac Adventure Trails after school.  I don't know much about either show, but according to Captain Mac's website they advertised milk, meat and 7-up.  These days $15-17 billion is spent by companies advertising to children in the US.  Over $4 billion was spent in 2009 by the fast food industry alone.  This is a far cry from the mid 1950's when Captain Mac urged children to go to Sunday school and drink milk! As children grow older, they have materialism ingrained in them.  They grow up and then start watching shows with such adult themed subliminal messages.  If you have time after reading my post, you should really check out the "subliminal messages" link.  It is quite shocking to see what is in some television shows and movies.  We wonder why sexual promiscuity has gotten out of control in the past few decades, it is constantly thrown in our faces...just inescapable.  On a side not with children and television, the average child will have seen an average of 8 murders by the time they are out of elementary school.
     Another topic that was brought up during the visit was cursing.  I stated that I found it hilarious when my grandma would get super mad and say the word "shit."  This still cracks me up to hear her say this curse word!!  I laugh at this curse word coming from my grandma's mouth, yet Karen would be petrified if she heard her mother say "Hell's bells!"  This was a sign to Karen, I assume, that her mother was way past angry!  "Hell" isn't even considered a curse word in this day and age.  They do censor by bleeping curse words to some degree, except the GD word.  I will not say it on my blog, but it severely bothers me that this word is in pretty much every movie these days and constantly on television.  The MPAA's guidelines on the movie rating system seems to get more lenient every few years.  Now they actually allow a brief partial male nudity in PG rated movies!!  I found that fact shocking.
     With the progression of promiscuity, cursing, and materialism at the rate it is growing...I cannot even imagine what our country is going to be like when my son is my age.  I can only assume how things will be, but it doesn't seem to be evolving in a decent and moral direction. 

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